
Workforce Development

After hearing dozens of stories of chronic underemployment in its 2008 house meeting campaign, AMOS leaders formed an issue research team on Workforce Development and began exploring how the central Iowa labor market was working (or not working) for those who needed it most. What they found was a chasm between people who worked hard […]


Ames Affordable Housing Issues

The Ames Affordable Housing Team has conducted extensive research on issues related to the affordability of housing in the Ames area. Significant increases in Iowa State enrollment have greatly exacerbated the pressure on affordable housing for Ames’ low and moderate-income residents. As a result, the Ames Affordable Housing Team has launched a strategy to address […]


Mental Health Care Re-Design

Over the course of several AMOS small group “house meeting” campaigns over the last 15 years the pressures families feel in relation to affordable, quality mental health care has slowly risen to the top two or three issues identified by central Iowa families. Three years ago, the National Alliance on Mental Illness – Greater Des […]


Health Care – The Affordable Care Act

Health Care – The Affordable Care Act AMOS IPL has engaged in a comprehensive community education effort to ensure Iowa’s un and under-insured populations are aware of how the Affordable Care Act will affect them. We will not be enrolling anyone or accepting government funding for this effort but we will be educating the public […]


Juvenile Justice in Polk County

Issues affecting the youth of our community have long been a research priority for AMOS IPL. In particular the administration of justice for the juveniles of Polk County has come under increased scrutiny by AMOS and the Iowa Department of Human Rights Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) . See their study. Juvenile […]